Episode 16 – Mike Kinman – It’s all about relationships

Mike Kinman is a follower of Jesus, husband, father, Episcopal priest, and the Tenth Rector of All Saints Church, Pasadena.
He believes God gives the church the ministry of reconciliation, which requires us to meet Christ in those among us who are most marginalized, oppressed and targeted and allow their voices and concerns the center place in community life. That God calls Christian communities to support one another in growing in life-changing relationships with Christ and dreams church buildings to be sacred public space where diverse communities gather to dismantle structures of us vs. themĀ and to build the Beloved Community of equity and justice for all God’s children and to be a catalyst for the common good.
As the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis (2009-2016) Mike had a particular interest in the Cathedral’s role in dismantling systemic misogyny and homophobia and promoting racial and economic reconciliation in St. Louis and with Christ Church Cathedral was active in the new civil rights movement that was ignited in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.
He has a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a Master’s of Divinity from Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. Prior to his ministry at Christ Church Cathedral, he was the founding Executive Director of Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation (EGR) a nonprofit that gathered individuals, congregations and dioceses across the church to work across divisions to help eradicate global poverty, and was the founding campus missioner of Rockwell House, the Episcopal Campus Ministry at Washington University in St. Louis. Mike is also president of the board of Magdalene St. Louis, a two-year residential community for women recovering from lives of prostitution, violence and drug abuse that opened its first house in June, 2015.
Mike had a previous brief career as a sportswriter and loves major league baseball and college basketball, especially the Los Angeles Dodgers and the University of Arizona Wildcats (from his hometown of Tucson, Arizona). He loves listening to U2 and the blues, is a voracious reader and loves everything Aaron Sorkin has ever written for the large and small screen.
He can be found on Facebook and followed on Twitter at @MKinman